Movement in your body has to do with this system. Muscle action can either be voluntary or involuntary. Muscle action that is under your control is voluntary, and muscle action that you do not have control of is involuntary. There are three types of muscles:
Smooth muscle:
This muscle moves food throughout your digestive system.
Skeletal muscle:
Allows you to move your bones ( this would be voluntary muscle action ).
Cardiac muscle:
Pumps blood that goes all around your body.
Examples of Muscles:
Thigh Muscles
Deltoid Muscles
Calf Muscles
More about Lungs:
With each breath you take, your lungs release carbon dioxide and brings oxygen to your body. Breathing is involuntary, because you do not have to think about it. The rate and size of breath increases when you exercise.
Tissues that make up the lungs:
Epithelial Tissue
Elastic Tissue
Interactions with other systems
- Interacts with the skeletal system, because your bones also help you move.
- Interacts with your digestive system, because food is moved through your body with your involuntary muscles.

- A type of injury that is possible is a strain, in which a muscle or tendon is overstretched or torn.
- Tendinitis is an injury in which the tendon becomes inflamed when you exercise too much. For a tendon to heal, a long rest is needed.
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